July Community Corner

School Supply Drive Wish List

Highlighters (Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green)
Square Boxes of Kleenex
Rolls of Paper Towels
Antibacterial liquid soap
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes
Zip Lock Bags (Snack, Sandwich, or Gallon)
Full Size Backpacks
Ticonderoga #2 pencils
Crayola crayons - 24 pack
Crayola crayons - 8 pack
Crayola colored pencils - 12 pack
Crayola Washable markers - 10 pack
Elmer's glue sticks
Large bottles of Elmer’s glue
Large Pink erasers
Crayon/Pencil Boxes
Children Scissors - Fiskars
Supply Boxes (Rectangle)
Sturdy Folders w/pockets on inside
Primary Notebooks (with handwriting lines & blank space to draw a picture)
Marble Composition Notebooks (Black)
Marble Composition Notebooks (Wide Ruled-any color)
Regular Expo dry erase markers
Thin Expo dry erase markers
Colored Expo dry erase markers