
February 22 & 23


This Week
The Taskovics family, Beth, Terri, Barbara, the Timmerlains, Bonna

Last Week
Mary, Teresa, Eleanor, The Canfield Family


- E V E N T S -

Spring BBQ is March 2nd
Join us for food and fellowship next Sunday, March 2nd after 10:30 worship! The bounce houses will be up, nursery will be available, and weather will be beautiful!

Choice Dollars® Expire March 31st
Jeff Kolzow from Thrivent is here this weekend to answer your Thrivent Dollar questions! Find him in the courtyard between services! Thrivent Financial members have until March 31st to direct any remaining 2024 Choice Dollars®. After that date, Choice Dollars will expire. Choice Dollars can be directed among thousands of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, including St. Luke's. For more details on how to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars, visit their website, or call 800-847-4836.

Ash Wednesday is March 5th
Join us for 10am or 6:30pm Ash Wednesday worship on March 5th. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent, the season of reflection leading us into Easter. The youth will serve dinner at 5:30 that night and freewill donations will benefit their trip to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering this July.

Breakfast With Pastor Luke on March 9th
Want to learn more about St. Luke’s? Starting March 9th at 9:30am in the Oasis, we’ll be serving breakfast for three consecutive Sundays where each week, we’ll talk about a different aspect of our church. They’re a great way to get to know Pastor Luke and ask any questions you may have. Our nursery and Sunday School classes are available for children. Please RSVP or sign up at the Information Center.

Welcome, Melissa!
In case you missed last week, we’re excited to welcome Melissa Little as our new Contemporary Worship Director! Melissa is a long-time member and previously served as interim worship leader. Please give her a warm welcome!

Ladies’ Tea Payment Due
Reminder! The $40 cost to attend the 2025 Ladies’ Tea is due THIS weekend! Mark “Tea” on your check or online donation. This year, the tea will be hosted at the Crowning Glory Tea Room on March 1 at 3:30pm. The Crowning Glory is located at: 16733 E Palisades Blvd Unite 101, Fountain Hills Arizona 85268. Look for an email this week with carpool information!

- R E M I N D E R S –

Ladies’ Lenten Walking Group
This year for Lent, join the ladies of St. Luke for Saturday morning walks through the Gilbert Riparian/Water Ranch park at 9:00AM beginning March 8th! Please sign up at the info center so we can communicate meeting points.

February Community Corner: Hygiene Kits
In preparation for Love Our City Weekend (March 29-30), our February Community Corner request is for travel-sized toiletries and individual serving-sized snacks for Salvation Army’s hygiene & snack kits for the homeless. During Love Our City Weekend, we will be packaging these items for distribution to the local homeless community. Grab a list of items needed at the info center and place donations in the community cubbies in the lobby!

Endowment Fund Awards
The St. Luke Endowment Committee is preparing for its 2025 Endowment Fund Awards. We will be accepting both scholarship and grant applications until April 30th. Awards may be used for scholarships, outreach, or church improvements. Scholarship award applications must be for students who will be attending a synodically affiliated college, university, or seminary in the fall of 2025, have an established relationship with St. Luke Lutheran Church, and plan to be in full-time professional services for the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod upon completion of their studies. Community Outreach Grant or Church Improvement Grant must be applicable to St. Luke’s community and church. If interested in applying for a scholarship, outreach grant, or church improvement grant, forms may be obtained from the Info Center in the lobby or online. Applications should be returned as soon as possible.

State Tax Credits
If you pay income taxes in Arizona, you can donate to qualifying nonprofits through tax credits! Many St. Luke partner organizations qualify, so take a look at the ADOR's website and St. Luke’s website.

2025 Youth Gathering Envelope Wall
We’re grateful to announce that all envelopes off the Gathering Envelope Wall have been claimed! THANK YOU!! Don’t forget to bring your donation back with its blue envelope & place it in an offering box! And please continue to pray for our youth and leaders as the LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans this July gets closer every week!

Hope in the Neighborhood Campaign Update
As of February 12th, giving pledges towards the revitalization of our Stapley Drive frontage total $498,720. Of those pledges, $360,952 has already been given! Thanks to your incredible generosity, we’ve been able to finalize renovation contracts, which Pastor Luke will share about during this week’s announcements. Just a reminder: pledge cards are not used to update online giving. If you need any assistance with your online giving, please contact the office or reach out directly to SecureGive at 855-895-8951.

- S T.  L U K E  I N F O -

Welcome Cards
If you are new to St. Luke, fill out a green WELCOME card to let us know you’re here & ask us any questions! These cards are available in the pews, at the offering boxes, and in the lobby. They also have some general information about our church. Fill one out and drop it off in one of the wooden offering boxes located on the back wall behind the pews.

Offering Boxes at St. Luke
If you’ve been looking for the offering plate, don’t worry! You can still give on Sunday mornings by using the wooden boxes attached to the walls at the back of the sanctuary (behind the pews) next to each entry door. There are envelopes at each one, too. We also have online giving, which you can set up to give monthly, weekly, or yearly!

Don’t Forget to Check In!
Checking in on an iPad in the lobby or through the St. Luke’s app or website helps us in all kinds of ways! We use it to attendance numbers, to keep you up to date with communications, and to know when you’ve been here and when you haven’t – just in case we don’t get to say hi in person one weekend. It’s also easy! The app requires a one-time registration, and as long as we have a phone number on file for you, you can check in on any iPad at church. You can also check in on the app when you watch online services, no matter where you are! Contact the office (480-969-4414) if you need any help or have questions!

Get the St. Luke App
Did you know you can check in on our app? Checking in helps us measure attendance, connect to people, and better serve our guests. Search “St. Luke Mesa” in the app store for iPhones and Androids to download! It’s a quick and easy way find the announcements & weekly calendar, check in, request prayer or baptism, read the week’s scripture, take notes, follow a Bible reading plan, update online giving, and more!

Lost and Found
Have you misplaced something? Maybe it’s here with us! Call the office at 480-969-4414 or email us to let us know what you’re missing!

Hearing-Assistance System
We have a new hearing-assistance system that works with an app or a belt pack to aid people in hearing our services. Ask about it in the sound booth.

Our 20/20 Vision
Embracing our neighbors with unexpected love, St. Luke's exists to bring the hope and healing of Jesus to everyday life.

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